
My Tennis Circle

I have been playing tennis for 7 years and I belong to a school tennis circle, ICU Footloose. And now it is time to take over the leadership of it from older members.
Footloose is not a club but a circle so not all members like to play tennis and participate every practice. Some play tennis in earnest, and others participate mainly in drinking party. As for me, I really like to play tennis so I join the practice most of the time, but I rarely join a drinking party or other events like a barbecue or a flower viewing. We are considering what we should do in order to make every members enjoy being in Footloose. I think that if we leaders (14 members) enjoy the management of Footloose, others come to think they want to take part in practices or various events frequently because our pleasant feelings affect them. Therefore, I want to try to take part in many events besides practice, and make both myself and others feel happy to be in Footloose.

Thank you:)

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