

24/05/2010 Mon. ~ 28/05/2010 Fri.

Essay ⇒ Introduction
Body Paragraph
writing process prewriting→planning→drfting→have a tuto→revising→editing→complete:)
Death Penalty, John Lennon's essay
TOMATS⇒ Journal

I recovered from cold and felt better little by little. However, there are a lot of assighnments or essays to do so i am always confused and hurry :( What should i do at first? i wanna get away from this situation... but i will do my best!!

Thank you for reading :)



17/05/2010 Mon.~21/05/2010 Fri.

Argumentation⇒ Fallacies (we thought each example together)
Eat up! (about cockroaches ;( )

Literature⇒ definition, identification, interpretation
read short passage about Fabian and guardian angel

for PWT⇒ practiced short answer test

Hello,BB mates. How are you?
This week, my schedule was so tight that I could not choose but manage one by one.
However, whenever i am with BB mates, i forget my tiredness or busyness and can relax and refresh!! On Friday, we we had an open-air class. It was wonderful and I enjoyed it. I still have a lot of homework or reports through June, but I wanna enjoy school life with my friends.
By the way, I don't know why, but I catch a cold and my voice is gone... ;( Help me!!

Thank you for reading.



10/05/2010 Mon.~15/05/2010 Sat.

read Aaron in places
Argumentation(subject, claim/assertion, evidence, assumption)
⇒group discussion
Deductive Reasoning(Major Premise, Minor Premise, Conclusion)

We learned what was academic argumentaion or how to make up argumentaion.
At first, I couldn't understand the difference between argumentation and quarrel or discussion.
But I gradually understood the composition. I wanna be get used to make argumantation.
This Fri. and Sat. we went to Nagano as a retreat. It was really fun. I enjoyed chatting with BBs all night. 

Thank you:)



04/05/2010 Tue.

Hello, BB members!! How are you?

I came back to Tokyo yesterday.
I was so tired last weekend that I couldn't do my homework in Ibaraki.
So from now on, I will do my best to finish it during GW.
I miss BB members;(

Thank you.