
My part-time job

I have begun to have a part-time job since this summer break. It was an entirely new experience for me. I work at a fast-food restaurant. Because it is the first part-time job, I could not do any task efficiently and I was always scolded by other members. It is really hard for me to deal with those who get angry with others or who are quick to take offense. Therefore, I always got depressed when I made a mistake at a job. I felt I wanted to quit the job many times, but I still work there. Why? This is because having a part-time job is one of the steps for getting a future job. If I start to work in a society without any experience of part-time job, I think I will be overwhelmed by the amount of work, how hard the work is, and the difficulty of being with superior or colleagues. Therefore, I will try to continue having a part-time job and want to enjoy it!!

Thank you:)

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